منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
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تاريخ التسجيل : 21/04/2011
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اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 8 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Qdrat-efa7e62834

اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 8 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 8 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الجمعة 18 مارس 2016, 00:52
اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 8 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

The Prisoner of Zenda

Chapter 8







A sword fight

قتال بالسيف

Break free


Strike his sword

يضرب بسيفه

Reach forward

يمد يديه للأمام

Swim away

يسبح بعيدا

Push hard

يضغط بشدة


بطريقة ما

Lay on the floor

يرقد علي الأرض






بقلق وخوف


يبدو عليهم الخوف

Look on in fear

يتطلع بخوف


غير مصاب

Run off

يجري بعيدا/يهرب

Point a gun at

يصوب مسدسا الي

Get off his horse

ينزل من علي الحصان





Lean heavily on

يستند بشدة الي


يقترب من


عربة تجرها الخيل


كلام فارغ











The appointed time

الوقت المحدد

For the good of

لصالح / لمصلحة


    Summary of Chapter Eight


          Rassendyll waited by the drawbridge gate next to the castle. Detchard, Bersonin and De Gautet were left to protect the King in his prison. It was about one o’clock in the morning when there was a loud noise from the mansion. A woman’s voice cried, “Help! Michael, help me!” It was Antoinette de Mauban. This was exactly what Rassendyll had asked her to say in his message to her, but it was around an hour too early, before his men had reached the front door to the mansion, and before Johann had time to open it.


Rassendyll pulled out his sword and stood ready for what might happen. Then he heard Antoinette calling again. “Help, Michael! It’s Rupert Hentzau!” Michael ran tohelp her with his servants. Rupert told Michael that Antoinette had been writing secret letters to Rassendyll and that she needed to be punished. Michael said that Antoinette was his guest and decided to punish Rupert for treating Antoinette badly.  Both men fought together and Rupert managed to kill Michael. Then he jumped out of the window into the moat below and escaped. After that, De Gautet appeared in front of Rassendyll, so Rassendyll killed him. He searched his body and found three keys.


At last Rassendyll could enter the room where the King was being kept prisoner. Bersonin appeared and Rassendyll killed him with his sword.  Detchard realized there was danger, so he closed the door fast.  Rassendyll unlocked the door to the second room. When he entered the room, he saw Detchard being held by the King’s doctor. The King looked frightened. The King was weak from illness and chained in one corner. The doctor was too weak to hold Detchard for long, and before Rassendyll could help him, Detchard broke free and killed the poor doctor with his sword.


  Rassendyll fought with Detchard. The King helped Rassendyll by pushing a chair against Detchard’s legs, so Detchard found it hard to stand up. This made him angry, and he struck the King hard with his sword, but as he did so, he fell over the doctor’s body. It was easy for me to kill him as he lay on the floor. The King was still alive. The drawbridge was now down. Rupert stood in the middle of the bridge with his sword. He called out for Michael to come out and fight as he thought that Michael was still alive. Antoinette told him that Michael was dead and she wanted to shoot him with a gun, but Rupert jumped quickly into the water below the bridge.


Sapt and his men finally arrived at the front door, on the other side of the mansion. Rassendyll ran after Rupert and also jumped into the water. Rupert swam faster than Rassendyll could with his wounded arm. Rupert ran off into the forest. He found a boy riding his horse to market. He took the boy’s horse. The boy cried. Rupert tried to get the boy to be quiet by giving him some money


Rupert was the last one of the Six Men. The other five men were killed by Rassendyll. Rassendyll attacked Rupert and managed to cut his cheek. If Fritz hadn’t arrived at the right time, Rupert would have killed Rassendyll. Fritz was holding a gun, so Rupert escaped. Rassendyll told Fritz to go after Rupert, but Fritz decided to stay and look after Rassendyll who was very weak and fell to the ground.


A few months earlier, the Duke had met Antoinette de Mauban in Paris and had asked her to Ruritania to see the coronation. She respected the Duke and was pleased to be his guest. However, some of the Duke’s servants told her servants about the Duke’s ambitions to be King. She did not like his evil plans and decided to warn me of everything he wanted to do.


When the Duke found out that she had warned me in Strelsau, he tricked Antoinette de Mauban by inviting her and her servants to his castle. Once she was there, he made sure they could not leave in order to stop her telling anyone about his plan. Rupert discovered that she was helping Rassendyll, so he wanted to punish her. When Michael came to see what was happening, Rupert killed him in the fight that followed. Rupert believed that without the Duke, Rassendyll would stay as the King and somehow reward him for his evil work. He did not understand that Rassendyll was pretending to be the King for the good of Ruritania. Rupert believed that Rassendyll wanted to be King forever.


 Sapt and his men could enter the mansion just as Rupert was escaping from Antoinette. Sapt found the King lying in his prison, hurt but still alive. He was carried with his face covered to the mansion, where Antoinette helped to look after the poor King until another doctor could arrive. Colonel Sapt asked Johann and Antoinette de Mauban to guard the secret about the real King. His men and the servants thought that the King had been injured while rescuing the prisoner, who had gone after Rupert Hentzau. The people of Strelsau heard that the brave King had fought with his brother because he had kept a prisoner in Zenda who was a friend of the King. The Duke had tried to kill the King, who was injured, but the evil Duke had died.


When Princess Flavia heard that the King was injured, she asked Marshal Strakencz to take her to Zenda at once so she could see the King. When Fritz and Rassendyll saw her coach, they quickly hid behind a tree, but they did not realize that the boy whose horse Rupert had taken had followed them. He was very excited and called out, “Princess! The King’s here, behind this tree!” At that moment Sapt arrived. He tried to persuade Strakencz  and the Princess that the King was in the Castle. The boy told them again that the King was behind the tree. So Sapt took Flavia to where Rassendyll was hiding. Rassendyll told the Princess that he was not the real King. Sapt also told her that Rassendyll was not the King.


Later, Rassendyll went to see the King. The King thanked him for all the brave things he had done. The King said that Rassendyll taught him what a true King should be. Flavia also thanked Rassendyll for all he had done for Ruritania and the King.


Rassendyll went back to England as his work in Ruritania had been complete. Rose told Rassendyll that everyone had been looking for him. Rose was very disappointed when Rassendyll told her he had not written a book. Rose told Rassendyll that Sir Jacob still had a job for him and that Jacob would be the British ambassador in Strelsau. Rassendyll refused to take the job because there would be problems as he looked exactly like the King of Ruritania and he had been a king before. He showed his brother and his sister-in-law a photograph of the coronation. They were amazed, but rose thought it was just an excuse.


 Rassendyll finally understood the words Rose said months ago that a person with a position in society has responsibilities. But even without a position in society, we all have a duty to help other people when we can, and we all become better people for doing so.


A. Answer these questions.


1. Where does Rassendyll wait for it to be two o’clock?

-He waits by the drawbridge gate next to the castle.

2. Rassendyll has asked Antoinette to cry for help at two o’clock. Why does she do it earlier?

-Because she is being attacked by Rupert. He wants to punish her for writing to Rassendyll.

3. Why does Rassendyll kill De Gautet with a sword and not with a gun?

-Because he doesn’t want to make any noise and attract other people.

4. How does Rassendyll get the keys to the King’s prison?

He takes them from De Gautet’s clothes after he kills him.

5. Who gets killed in the first room of the King’s prison? Who gets killed in the room where the King is? Who gets wounded? 

-Bersonin gets killed in the first room. In the room where the King is, the doctor is killed by Detchard, and Detchard is killed by Rassendyll. The King and Rassendyll are both wounded.

6. Why doesn’t the King fight Detchard directly? How does he help Rassendyll?

The King is weak from illness and in chains. He can’t move much because of the chains. He helps Rassendyll by pushing a chair into Detchard as he is fighting. (This makes him lose his balance and fall over the doctor’s body. Then it is easy for Rassendyll to kill him.)

7.Who kills the Duke?

@Rupert Hentzau

8. Why does Rupert ride away instead of fighting Rassendyll?.

 @Because Fritz comes with a gun and Rupert knows he can’t fight both of them. (A gun can kill from a distance. Fritz can kill Rupert from a distance before Rupert can kill Rassendyll with a sword.)

9. How does the boy make a problem for Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll?

-The boy runs out and says the King is behind the tree, but Strakencz and the Princessthink that the King is in the castle. Sapt has a problem to explain this.

10-Why does Sapt tell the Princess to come alone to see the King behind the tree?

 He asks thePrincess to come alone because he doesn’t want Marshal Strakencz to know about Rassendyll.

11. Why does Sapt have the real King taken from his prison with his face covered? What do Sapt’s men and the servants think happened to the King and to the prisoner? Why does Rassendyll wait in the forest until dark to go to the castle?

 . Sapt doesn’t want his men or the servants to see who the prisoner really is. They think

that the King was wounded in the fight to rescue the prisoner, and that the prisoner went after Rupert Hentzau. Rassendyll waits until he can go into the castle under the cover of dark. He doesn’t want anyone to see him.

12. How does Rassendyll teach the King how to be a real king?

-He takes his responsibilities as King seriously and tries to run the country well. He risks his own life to rescue the King, could have remained King.

13. What does Rassendyll mean when he writes “Nobody knew where Rupert had disappeared to, and the thought of the man who had almost beaten me still makes my heart beat louder in my chest”?

-It means when he thinks of Rupert he gets excited or angry. He wishes he could find him and fight him.

14. Do you think Rassendyll was right to pretend to be the King for the coronation?

Was he right to continue to pretend to be the King for so long? Students’ opinions

15. Why doesn’t Rassendyll remain the King? If he was a wiser and better ruler than the real King, would it be wrong for him to remain King?

 -Students’ opinions.

16. What does Rassendyll learn from his adventures?

- Students’ opinions.

B. Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements.

1. ___ Antoinette de Mauban calls for help at the appointed time.

2. ___ Johann is not seriously hurt in the fighting.

3. ___ When Rassendyll enters the prison, De Gautet and Hentzau are there.

4. ___ The doctor tries to protect the King.

5. ___ The Duke’s servants do not accept Rupert as their leader.

6. ___ Rassendyll does not wound Rupert before he escapes.

7. ___ Rupert thinks that if the Duke is dead, Rassendyll will remain King and reward him.

 8. ___ Johann and Antoinette know that the prisoner was the King.

9. ___ Rassendyll spends the day in the mansion in the room with the King.

10. ___ The King wants Rassendyll to come to Strelsau.

11.___ Back home, Rassendyll agrees to work with Sir Jacob Borrodaile



1. F – It is almost an hour early.

2. T

3. F – Bersonin and Detchard are there.

4. T

5. T

6. F – He manages to cut Rupert’s cheek.

7. T

8. T

9. F – He spends the day in the forest. He comes to the castle at night and stays in the rooms that had been the King’s prison.

10. T (But Sapt tells him it’s not possible.)

11. F – He refuses because Sir Jacob is going to be the ambasador to Ruritania, and there

will be problems because Rassendyll looks like the King.


D. Match each name in A with its description in B.


1. Sapt’s men

2. Johann and Antoinette

3. De Gautet, Bersonin and  Detchard

4. Hentzau

5. Marshal Strakencz

6. Rassendyll

7. Rose


 a. thinks Rassendyll will never be anyone important

b. teaches the King how to be a real king

c. are told that the King was wounded while fighting to rescue the prisoner

d. brings the Princess from Tarlenheim to see the King

e. know that the prisoner was the real  King but promise not to tell

f. killed by Rassendyll

g. escapes and is not seen again

h. tells the Princess that the King is behind a


E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

“This woman’s been writing secret letters to Rassendyll! She needs to be punished!”

1. Who says this to whom?

Rupert Hentzau says this to Duke Michael.

2. Who is “this woman”?

“This woman” is Antoinette de Mauban.

3. What is the speaker doing while saying this?

He is attacking Antoinette and fighting with Duke Michael.


“Dead! That’s good. Then I’m your leader now. Put down your weapons and do as I say.”

1. Who says this to whom?

. Rupert Hentzau says this to the Duke’s servants (standing near the door of the mansion).

2. Where is the speaker?

. He is standing on the drawbridge (between the mansion and castle).

3. Do the people obey him? What happens?

. No, they don’t obey him. They let Madame de Mauban try to shoot him.


 “Why didn’t you follow my plan? We could have worked well together.”


Who says this to whom?


. Rupert Hentzau says this to Rassendyll.


Where are they and what has just happened?


. They are in the forest near the castle. Rupert has killed the Duke; Rassendyll has killed  the others of the Six Men and rescued the King.


What was the plan that wasn’t followed?


Rassendyll would attack when Rupert said to. The King, the Duke, Sapt, and Fritz would all die. Rassendyll would remain the King and Hentzau would be rewarded.

“I hoped that tomorrow, you’d come with me to Strelsau and tell everyone about the brave things that you’ve done, but Sapt tells me that this isn’t possible.”

1. Who says this to whom?

. The (real) King says this to Rassendyll.

2. Where are they?

. They are in a bedroom in the mansion.

3. What do these words tell you about the speaker’s character and the speaker’s relationship with Sapt?

 . The speaker perhaps does not have good judgement. He depends a lot on Sapt. He

needs Sapt to give him advice. (Opinions may vary)


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