منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
أم زينب
أم زينب
المديرة العامة
المديرة العامة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 15740
نقاط : 135412
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
ملكة المنتدى ومصممته

English-story-Chapter1 The Prisoner Of Zenda شرح بالفيديو 3ث Empty English-story-Chapter1 The Prisoner Of Zenda شرح بالفيديو 3ث

الأحد 10 مارس 2013, 15:03


Good versus Evil

Rassendyll doesn’t have any interest in the throne. He helps
Rudolf the Fifth by taking his place. He this to protect the king and
country from the evil Duke Michael. Duke Michael is interested to be the
king of Ruritania and marry princes Flavia. Rassendyll , colonel Sapt
and Frits do their best to save the king and country from Black Micheal.
At last Good beat Evil. The king is safe and Duke Michael dies.


Honour is to respect or keep to one’s word. Throughout the story
Rassendyll shows that he is an honourable gentleman .he keeps his word
and helps to save the king. Princess Flavia is also anhounrable person.
She promises always to do what is right for her country. Colonel Sapt
and Frits are also hounrable. They do their best to save their king.


Duke Michael is only interested in becoming the king of
Ruritania. He puts his own brother(king Rudolf the Fifth) in prison in
the cxastle of Zenda. His greed for the throne makes him do evil things.
He orders his men to kill Rassendyll. He also orders his men to kill
the king if any attempt is made to save him. Rurpert of Hentzau is also
greedy of power and money. He doesn’t mind killing abnyone to become
powerful and wealthy.


Bravery is seen in the actions of the characters. Rassendyll is
brave . he fights Black Michael;s men to rescue the king and protect the
country from him. Colonel Sapt, Frits and Marshal Strakentcz are also
brave officers of the king.

The king is finally rescued because of a few brave men.


Rassendyll is very honest. He is honest to princess Flavia. He
tells her that he is not the real king. Colonel Sapt and Frits, the
marshal and princess Flavia are also honest people . their honesty is
shown throughout the story. Honesty is important in life because people
will trust us if we are honest. In the story colonel Sapt and Frits
trust Rassendyll.


Rassendyll steps into the King’s shoes. He shoulders the King’s
responsibilities. He takes care of the country and prevents Black
Michael from becoming King. Flavia shows she is responsible to the king
and country. She stays back in Ruritania to carry out the duties of the
Queen of Ruritania.


Loyalty is very important for a country. The people in the story
show their loyalty towards the king and country. Although Rassendyll
is not citizen of Ruritania, he shows his loyalty to the king and
country. Colonel Sapt, Fritz, the Marshal, Princess Flavia, Josef , and
the Courts official are loyal to the King.The famous six are loyal to
Black Michael.

Character Sketches:

1- Rudolf Rassendyll:

• He was a young English man of about 29 years of age. He was
rich with a good social position. He had been to a German School and a
German University. He could speak German, French, Spanish and Italian.

• He was a good shot, a good swordsman and very good at riding horses.

• He was an idle person who liked spending his time travelling about and caring only for his own pleasures.

• His visit to Ruritania has changed him completely. When he
agreed to play the king’s role, he became responsible and thoughtful.

• He began to behave as a real king.

• As he was an honourable man and full of sense of duty, he
sacrificed his love and left Flavia who dedicated her life to public


2- King Rudolf the fifth:

• He is king of Ruritania who loves hunting and good food.

• He is not known by many of his people as he is always abroad.

• He will be kidnapped and trapped in the castle of Zenda by his half brother Duke Michael who wanted to be the king himself.

He marries Princess Flavia and rules Ruritania like a true king.…………………………………………………………………………………

3- Duke Michael (Black Michael)

• Michael was the Duke of Strelsau. He was a half brother of Rudolf 5th, the future king of Ruritania.

• He came from the same father (the king) as Rudolf, but his mother was not from the royal family.

• He hated his brother, and was jealous غيور of him.

• He was after the same things that his brother possessed. He wanted the throne العرش and princess Flavia for himself.

• To achieve his wicked خبيث purpose he made many plans and conspiracies مؤامرات to get rid of يتخلص من his brother

Once by drugging him in the hunting lodge, and another time by arranging to kill him through the pipe.

But his plans were a complete failure because the king was saved by Rassendyll and the king’s loyal friends Sapt and Fritz.


4- Colonel Sapt:

• He is the king chief advisor. مستشار

• He is wise, intelligent, careful, dutiful مؤد لواجبه, loyal and faithful مخلص to king Rudolf.

• He who will suggest the plan that Rassendyll personalizes the
king’s character in the coronation to spoil Duke Michael conspiracy to
take the throne.

• He is a brave warrior and would not hesitate يتردد to sacrifice his life for the king.


5- Fritz von Tarlenheim

• He is one of king Rudolf’s helpers.

• He is brave and daring in the rescue mission to save the king.


6- Princess Flavia:

• She is a beautiful and charming princess who is engaged مخطوبة to the king.

• She is observant and able to notice some differences between
Rudolf Rassendyll and the real king (Rudolf Elphberg) but she is unaware
غير مدركة that Rassendyll is not actually the king.

• She is a woman of honour, she sacrificed her love to Rassendyll for her country. And dedicated her life to public duty.


7- Madam Antoinette de Mauban:

• She was a French widow, dark and very pretty. She was rich and
ambitious and special to Duke Michael. She loved him much, but he only
loved himself and was after the throne and Flavia. Antoinette knew
Michael’s plans and revealed these plans to Rassendyll and helped him to
save the king’s life so as to prevent Michael from becoming a king.
Though she loved Michael, she stood against him and by the end of the
novel she got tired of plotting التاّمر and wanted the real king to
forgive her.


Minor Characters شخصيات ثانوية

1- Robert Rassendyll: (Lord Burlesdon)

• He is the elder brother of Rudolf Rassendyll.

• He is a responsible man who takes his duties seriously.

2- Rose Rassendyll:

• She is Robert Rassendyll’s wife and sister in law to Rudolf.

• She doesn’t like Rudolf’s indifference and carefree attitude.

• She has a way of asking people to do things which is
impossible to refuse. She tells Rudolf that sir Jacob Borrodaile (who
will be an ambassador in 6 months’ time) wants Rudolf to work with him.

3- Sir Jacob Borrodaile:An important Englishman who is about to become an ambassador.

4- Countess Amelia Rassendyll:A relative of the Rassendylls who married into the Ruritanian royal family in 1733.

5- George Featherly:An English friend of Rudolf Rassendyll who works in the Paris embassy.

6- Bertram Bertrand:An English journalist who works in Paris.

7- Johann Holf:A servant who works in the Castle of Zenda.

8- Josef:A servant to the King of Ruritania.

9- Marshal Strakencz:An important person in the King of Ruritania' s army.

10- Max Holf: Johann's brother who works for Duke Michael.

11- Freyler:a servant at the King's palace.

12- De Gautet:A Frenchman, one of Duke Michael's Six Men (specialsoldiers who are loyal to him).

13- Bersoni:A Belgian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men(soldiers who are loyal to him).

14- Detchard:An Englishman, one of Duke Michael's Six Men(special soldiers who are loyal to him).

15- Lauengram:A Ruritanian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men(special soldiers who are loyal to him).

16- Krafstein:A Ruritanian, one of Duke Michael's Six Men(special soldiers who are loyal to him).

17- Rupert Hentzau:A Ruritanian, the most dangerous of Duke Michael's Six Men (special soldiers who are loyal to him).

18- Bernenstein:A trusted gentleman, one of those who help to rescue the King.

Places in the story


It’s a German speaking fictional country located in Centeral
Europe. Rudolf Rassendyll went there to watch the ceremony of the
coronation of the new king.


It’s the capital of Ruritania. The king’s palace is located there. It's divided into parts, the new town and the old town.


*It’s a small town (80 miles from Strelsau).

*Rudolf stayed at an inn there.

*The king was staying there at the Duke’s hunting lodge.

*The king was held a captive in the old castle of Zenda.

*Near Zenda is the country house of Tarlenheim.

Chapter 1


The Text

I was eating breakfast in the dining room of my brother's house
one sunny morning, thinking about what I would do that week, when my
brother's wife Rose came into the room.

"Rudolf, you're 29 years old," she said. "Are you ever going to
do anything useful?" "Rose," I answered, putting down my egg spoon, "why
should I do anything? I have nearly enough money to do anything I want
to (no one ever has quite enough money to do that, of course), and I
enjoy an important position in society: my brother's Lord Burlesdon and
you are a countess."

"But you've done nothing except……"

"Be lazy? It's true. I'm a member of the Rassendyll family and
our family don't need to do things." This annoyed Rose, because her
family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls. At this
moment, my brother Lord Burlesdon (who we were happy to call simply
Robert) came into the room. "Robert, I'm so happy you're back!" cried
Rose. "What's the matter, my dear?" Robert asked her. "She's angry
because she thinks I don't do anything," I explained to my brother.

At this point, I should explain that I had not been lazy all
my life. I had studied hard and learned a lot when I was at a German
school and German university. I spoke German as well as I spoke English,
and I also knew how to speak French, Italian and Spanish. I was good
with a gun and a strong swordsman. I was also very good at riding a

"It's not just your red hair that makes you different from
your brother," said Rose. "He also realises his position in society has
responsibilities. You only see opportunities in yours." "To a man like
me, opportunities are responsibilities," I explained. "Good, because I
have some news for you," said Rose. "Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll
offer you a real opportunity. He's going to be an ambassador in six
months' time, and he says he's happy for you to work for him. I hope
you'll take this job, Rudolf."

My sister-in-law has a way of asking people to do things
which is impossible to refuse. Moreover, I thought this job sounded
quite interesting, so I said, "If in six months' time I'm in a position
to take this job, then I'll certainly say yes." "Oh, Rudolf, how good of
you!" said Rose.

"Where will he be working?" I asked. "Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be, but he's sure it will be a good embassy."

"For you I'll do it, even if it's a terrible embassy," I replied.

Now, I had made my promise to Rose, but there were still
six months to go before the job would start, and I began to think about
what I could do in this time. I decided that I would visit Ruritania, a
small country in the middle of Europe. My family have always had an
interest in that country because in 1733, Countess Amelia Rassendyll
married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs. In fact
my brother has paintaings of her and her descendants on his walls: many
of them have the same red hair and straight noses as the Elphbergs; I am
the latest one to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family.

My decision was helped a few days later when I read in The
Times newspaper that Rudolf the Fifth was to become King of Ruritania in
the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for
this joyous occasion. I thought how fantastic it would be to see such an
event and began to prepare for my journey.

I do not like to tell people where I go on my travels, so I told
Rose that I was going walking in the Alps. I did not want her to think I
was being lazy either, so I told her I was going to write a book about
social problems in the country.

"You're going to write a book? That would be such a good thing to do, wouldn't it, Robert?" said Rose.

"Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get into
politics," agreed Robert, and he should know, as he has written many
books himself.

"You're right," I said to them both. However, I had no plan to
really write a book, which shows how little we know about the future.
Because here I am now, writing a book as I had promised to do, even if
the book has nothing to do with the social problems in the Alps. But let
me begin near the start of my journey to Ruritania.

My Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass
through Paris without spending twenty-four hours in the city, so I took
his advice and booked a night at The Continental Hotel. As soon as I had
checked in, I called on some old friends that I knew in the French
capital: George Featherly, who worked at the embassy, and Bertram
Bertrand, who was now a famous journalist in the city. That evening, we
all ate in a restaurant and they told me all about the latest exciting
events in Paris.

"We've had quite a few important people visiting the city
recently," said Bertram. "Anyone I'd know?" I asked. "Well, I met
Antoinette du Mauban today," Bertram replied. "You've probably heard of
her. She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. But
she's leaving Paris today, we don't know where she's going to next." "So
why did she come to Paris?" I asked. "She was a guest of the Duke of
Strelsau," said George. "I met him at the embassy yesterday. He's the
half-brother to the King of Ruritania. People say he was his father's
favourite son. He's gone back for the coronation, although I don't think
he'll enjoy it very much because he probably wishes he were the king. I
don't think he likes being only a Duke." "I hear he's a clever man,
though," said Bertram.

"He's extremely clever, I'd say," agreed George.

The next day, George came with me to the station and I bought
a ticket to my next stop, Dresden. I did not tell him that I was going
to Ruritania. If I had, the news would have gone immediately to Bertram
and then it would have been in all the newspapers within days.

Just as I was about to get on the train, George suddenly
smiled and walked away to talk to a beautiful, tall and fashionably
dressed woman of about thirty who was standing at the ticket office with
two younger women. I thought these must be her servants.

"You have an important person to travel with," George told me
when he returned a few minutes later. "That's Antoinette du Mauban and
she's also going to Dresden."

Paris was soon behind me. It was a long and boring journey
and I wondered if I would see Antoinette du Mauban in the dining car
when I ate in the train that evening, or perhaps at breakfast the next
morning. However, I did not see the lady again until the following day,
when both she and I got on the next train from Dresden to Ruritania. She
was further up the train, however, and did not see me.

A few hours later, the train arrived at the Ruritanian border
where we stopped so the guards could check our passports. I was
surprised when the guards stared at me and my passport for some time
before letting me into the country. Once in Ruritania, I bought a
newspaper and read that the King's coronation was to be in two days'
time, which was much earlier than I had thought. The newspaper described
the excitement in the country and in particular the capital city,
Strelsau, where it said all the hotels were full with people who wanted
to see the event.

On reading this, I decided it would be best to stop at Zenda,
a small town eighty kilometres from the capital, and about ten
kilometres from the border. Here I could walk in the hills and see the
town's famous castle, then I could take the train for the day to Srelsau
to see the coronation. As I got off the train at Zenda, I saw
Antoinette du Mauban, who remained on the train for its journey to the
capital, but she did not look at me.

I was welcomed at the inn in Zenda by an old woman who ran it
with her two daughters. She said she was not very interested in what
happened in the capital, but she loved the Duke of Strelsau, who she
called Duke Michael. He was the man who was responsible for the land
around Zenda and its castle. In fact, the hotel owner said she wished
the Duke was the new King and not his brother.

"We all know Duke Michael," she explained. "He's always lived
in Ruritania and he cares about the people, so people like him. As for
the King, well, he's almost a stranger. He's been abroad for most of his
life and not many people even know what he looks like. Now the King's
staying in a hunting lodge in the forest, very near to Zenda. From there
he'll travel to the capital for his coronation."

"But why's the King here, if it's the Duke's land?" I asked.

"The Duke invited him, sir," explained the old lady. "The Duke's in Strelsau, preparing for the coronation."

"So they are good friends?"

"I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Duke Michael would like to be King, too, I'm sure."

"Well!," I said "I feel quite sorry for the Duke, but it's right that the older brother becomes king."

I was interested to hear this, and decided I would walk in
the forest the next day so that I might see him. "I wish he'd stay there
in the forest," continued the woman. "People say he only likes hunting
and good food. He should let the Duke become our King. And there are
many others who think the same."

"Well I don't like Duke Michael," said her older daughter. "They
say the King has red hair just like you!" "Many men have red hair like
me," I laughed.

"How do you know the King has red hair?" The old woman asked her daughter.

"Johann, the Duke's servant, told me," she explained. "He's seen the King at the hunting lodge."

"But why's the King here, if it's the Duke's land?" I asked.

"The Duke invited him, sir," explained the old lady. "The Duke's in Strelsau, preparing for the coronation."

"So they are good friends?"

"I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Duke Michael would like to be King, too, I'm sure."

"Well!," I said "I feel quite sorry for the Duke, but it's right that the older brother becomes king."

"Who's talking of the Duke?" said a deep voice from outside the door.

"We have a guest, Johann," called the old lady, as a man entered
the room. When he saw me, he took off his hat and stepped back in
surprise, as though he had seen something amazing.

"What's the matter, Johann?" asked the old lady. "This gentleman's come to our country to see the coronation."

"It's the red hair," said one of the daughters. "We don't often
see it in our country unless you're part of the King's family, the
Elphbergs. Many of them have red hair."

The man continued to stare at me, but said, "Good evening, sir. I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see any new guests here."

"Don't worry," I said. "It's late and time I went to bed. I wish
you all a good night. Thank you, ladies, for our conversation." I stood
up to go to my room, when Johann suddenly said, "Sir, have you ever seen
our King?"

"No, I've never seen him, but I hope to do so on Wednesday at the coronation."

Johann said no more, but I felt his eyes on me as I walked up the stairs.

The next morning, Johann seemed much more relaxed. When he
heard that I was going to Strelsau, he said I could stay at his sister's
house. She was married to a wealthy trader and she had invited him to
stay with them for the coronation, but he was unable to go. I was very
happy to have this opportunity and accepted his offer, so he said he
would contact his sister at once and tell her to expect me that day.

I decided, however, that I still wanted to see the forest
where the King was staying, so first I planned to walk for sixteen
kilometres through the forest to the next station along the line, where I
could catch a train to the capital. I did not tell Johann about this
plan, as I did not think it would be important if I arrived at his
sister's later in the day. So I sent my luggage on to the station and
said goodbye to the old lady and her daughters, and set off up the hill
towards the castle. After that, it was a short walk to get into the

Half an hour later, I reached the castle. It was very old but
well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it was a large modern
mansion, which was used by the Duke of Strelsau as his country home. The
mansion was reached by a wide road, but the old castle could only be
reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion. I was pleased to see
that the Duke had such a well-defended house, even if he were not to
become King.

Soon I reached the dark forest and I walked for about an
hour, pleased that the tall trees gave me cool shade: not much sun
reached the ground through the many leaves. It was a beautiful place and
after a time I decided to rest by lying against one of the enormous
trees. It was so quiet and peaceful in the forest that I soon fell into a
deep sleep, forgetting all about the train I should have caught to
Strelsau and my luggage that would be waiting at the station. I was just
dreaming about living in the Castle of Zenda when a voice woke me:
"Why, look at at him! It's amazing! He looks just like the King!"

I opened my eyes slowly and found two men looking at me. Both
carried guns and were dressed for hunting. One of them was short but
looked very tough with light blue eyes, and he looked like a soldier.
The other was younger, thin and of medium height, and he looked like a
gentleman. I later found out that my guesses were both correct.

The older man walked up to me and raised his hat to me
politely, so I stood up. "He's about the same height as the King, too!"
he said. "This really is extraordinary. What's your name, sir?"

"Perhaps you can tell me what your names are first?" I asked them.

The gentleman stepped forward with a smile and said, "Of course.
This is Colonel Sapt, and my name's Fritz von Tarlenheim. We both work
for the King of Ruritania."

I shook their hands and told them, "I'm Rudolf Rassendyll.
I'm a traveller from England and was an officer in the Queen's army."

"Well, we're officers for our King, so we understand each other well!" said Tarlenheim.

"Rassendyll, Rassendyll," said Colonel Sapt quietly. "I know! Are
you one of the Burlesdons?" "My brother's the new Lord Burlesdon," I
explained. "So, do I really look like the King?"

"You could be twins," said Fritz.

"Although you look like identical twins, you do not have
identical personalities or skills. You two seem very different. If you
were an officer for the Queen's army, Rassendyll, you must be good with a
sword!" laughed Sapt.

"Is the King not a fighting man?" I asked. "The King likes to
live well," said Fritz. "Let's say he prefers eating to action, but
he's a kind man and he's our King. We'd do anything for him."

"Perhaps we are alike then," I said, "because I like to have an easy life, too!"

At this moment, a voice came from the trees behind us. "Fritz?
Where are you, Fritz?" Fritz looked worried, and then said quietly to
me, "It's the King! He's coming here now."

A young man then came out from behind a tree in the forest
and stood in front of us. As I looked at him, I gave out a loud cry at
the same time as he stood back in amazement to see me. Except perhaps
for a centimetre or two difference in height, we looked so alike that
the King of Ruritania might have been me, Rudolf Rassendyll, and I might
have been him, the King of Ruritania.

A)Questions with Model Answers

1-What did Rose blame تلوم Rudolf for? What did she suggest he should do?

She blamed him for being unemployed عاطل and for not doing
anything useful. She suggested he should accept Sir Jacob Borrodaile's
offer to work for him in an embassy.

2-How did Rudolf Rassendyll account for برر his being idle عاطل (unemployed)?

He said that rich families like the Rassendylls didn't need to do things. He said he had enough money to do anything he wanted.

3-Despite being jobless, عاطل Rudolf boasted تباهى of his position in society.Discuss.

(How was Rudolf like the fox borrowing the tiger's might?)

He said that he enjoyed an important position in society as his brother was Lord Burlesdon and his sister-in-law was a countess.

4-What did Rudolf Rassendyll admit اعترف to Rose that he really was? (What did he not deny? ينكر) How did he justify برّر that?

He admitted that he was lazy. He said that rich families like the Rassendylls didn't need to do things.

5-What annoyed Rose when Rudolf was talking about his family?

He boasted of the Rassendyll family. Although Rose's family were rich, they were less important than the Rassendylls.

6-According to طبقا لـ Rudolf Rassendyll, how had he not been lazy all his life?

Or: What did Rudolf Rassendyll say about his education and his fighting skills?

He had studied hard and learned a lot when he was at a German
school and university. He spoke some languages. He was good with a gun
and a strong swordsman. He was very good at riding a horse.

7-According to Rose, what made a distinction يميز بين between
Rudolf and his brother Robert apart fromفضلا عن Rudolf's red hair?

She said that Robert realised that his position in society had
responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw opportunities in his position.

8-What news did Rose have for her brother-in-law? أخو زوجها

She said that Sir Jacob Borrodaile would offer Rudolf a real opportunity. He wanted Rudolf to work for him in an embassy.

9-Mention اذكر two reasons that influenced أثّرا على Rudolf to
accept Sir Jacob Borrodaile's offer to work for him in an embassy?

First, Rose's way of asking people to do things that was impossible to refuse. Second, he thought the job sounded interesting.

10-What did Rudolf Rassendyll decide to do during the six months before starting his new job?

He decided that he would visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe.

11-Why did Rudolf Rassendyll's family always have an interest in Ruritania?

Because in 1733 Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs.

12-Whose paintings لوحات من did Lord Burlesdon have on his walls?

He had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her descendants.

13-How did the relationship by marriage (affinity) المصاهرة
between the Rassendylls and the Elphbergs affect the appearance of
Rudolf Rassendyll?

Rudolf Rassendyll was the latest one to have the appearance of
the Ruritanian royal family. He had red hair and a straight nose.

14-What did Rassendyll read that helped his decision to travel to Ruritania?

He read that Rudolf the Fifth was to become King of Ruritania in
the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for
that joyous occasion. He decided to see such a fantastic event.

15-What lies الأكاذيب did Rassendyll tell Rose before his journey to Ruritania? Why did he tell her these lies?

First, he told her that he was going walking in the Alps because
he did not like to tell people where he went on his travels. Second, he
told her he was going to write a book about social problems in the
country because he did not want her to think he was being lazy.

16-What was Uncle William's advice that Rassendyll decided to take? يعمل بها

Or: Why did Rassendyll spend 24 hours in Paris on his way to Ruritania?

Rassendyll's Uncle William always said that no man should ever
pass through Paris without spending twenty-four hours in the city.

17-Who did Rassendyll call on يزور in Paris? What did they do? ما وظائفهما

He called on his old friends, George Featherly, who worked at the
embassy, and Bertram Bertrand, who was a famous journalist in Paris.

18-What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rassendyll about Antoinette du Mauban?

She was a lady who was well known for her wealth and ambition.

19-What did George Featherly tell Rassendyll about the Duke of Strelsau?

He said that he was the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. He was his father's favourite son.

20-Why did Rassendyll not tell George that he was going to Ruritania?

He didn't want the newspapers to know about his going to Ruritania.

21-Who did George talk to when he went with Rassendyll to the station? What did she look like?

He talked to Antoinette du Mauban. She was a beautiful, tall and fashionably dressed lady of about thirty.

22-Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rassendyll and his passport before letting him into the country?

Because Rassendyll looked exactly like the King of Ruritania.

23-Why did Rassendyll decide to stop at Zenda instead of بدلا من going directly to Ruritania? What would he do at Zenda?

Because the hotels in Ruritania were full with people who wanted
to see the coronation. At Zenda, he could see the town's famous castle.

24-Why wasn't the old woman (the hotel owner) at Zenda interested in what happened in the capital, Strelsau?

Because she loved the Duke of Strelsau and she wished he was the new king and not his brother.

25-According to the hotel owner, why was Duke Michael popular with محبوب من many people in Ruritania unlike على عكس his brother?

Duke Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the
people. As for the King, he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad
for most of his life and not many people even knew what he looked like.

26-What did Johann offer that Rassendyll could do? Why was Rassendyll happy to have this opportunity?

He offered that Rassendyll could stay at his sister's house in
Strelsau. Rassendyll was happy because the hotels in Ruritania were full
with people who wanted to see the coronation.

27-How was the Castle of Zenda well-defended?

It was well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it was a
large mansion. The castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between
it and the mansion.

28-Who did Colonel Sapt and Fritz work for? What did they look like?

They worked for the King of Ruritania. Colonel Sapt was short but
looked very tough with light blue eyes. He looked like a soldier. Fritz
was younger, thin and of medium height. He looked like a gentleman.

29-To what extent لأي مدى were Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania alike?

They looked so alike except perhaps for a centimetre or two difference in height.

B)Quotations with Model Answers

1-"Are you ever going to do anything useful?"

1-Who said this? To whom?

Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-What was the relation between these two persons?

Rose was Rudolf's sister-in-law.

3-What did the speaker mean by "do anything useful"?

She meant that Rudolf should get a job instead of being idle.

2-"Why should I do anything? I have nearly enough money to do anything I want to."

1-Who said this? To whom?

Rudolf Rassendyll, to Rose.

2-What else did the speaker enjoy that made him unwilling غير راغب to work?

He enjoyed an important position in society.

3-What does the speaker's words reveal تكشف about his / her personality?

They reveal that he was a lazy person who liked to have an easy life.

3-"It's true. I'm a member of the Rassendyll family and our family don't need to do things."

1-Who said this? To whom?

Rudolf Rassendyll, to Rose.

2-What did the speaker admit that it was true?

He admitted that he did nothing except be lazy.

3-What was the effect of these words on the other person? Why?

These words annoyed Rose, because her family were rich but less important than the Rassendylls.

4-"It's not just your red hair that makes you different from your brother."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-When did the addressed person's family start to have members with red hair?

In 1733, when Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs.

3-According to the speaker, what another difference was there between the two brothers?

Robert realised that his position in society had responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw opportunities in his position.

5-"He also realises his position in society has responsibilities. You only see opportunities in yours."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Who was the speaker comparing تقارن the addressed person with?

She was comparing Rudolf with his brother Robert. (Lord Burlesdon)

3-What was the addressed person's reply to these words?

He said that to a man like him, opportunities are responsibilities.

6-"Sir Jacob Borrodaile tells me he'll offer you a real opportunity."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-What opportunity would Sir Jacob offer to the addressed person?

He would offer that Rudolf could work for him in an embassy.

3-Did the addressed person accept that offer? Why / Why not?

Yes, Rudolf accepted the offer because the job sounded interesting.

7-"Oh, Rudolf, how good of you!"

1-Who said these words?


2-What did the speaker praise امتدحت Rudolf for?

She praised him because he accepted Sir Jacob's offer to work for him.

3-Why was the speaker angry with Rudolf a few minutes earlier?

Because he was idle and he didn't do anything useful.

8-"You are going to write a book? That would be a good thing to do."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Did that person really intend to write a book? If not, why did he claim ادعى so?

No, he didn't. Because he didn't want Rose to think he was being lazy.

3-What was the claimed المزعوم book about?

It was about the social problems in the country (in the Alps).

9-"Yes, indeed. Writing a book's the best way to get into politics."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Robert, to his wife Rose.

2-Why should the speaker know this well?

Because he had written many books himself.

3-On what occasion في أي مناسبة (موقف) did the speaker say so?

When his brother, Rudolf, told them he was going to write a book.

10-"We've had quite a few important people visiting the city recently."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Bertram Bertrand, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Which city was he referring to?


3-Whose name of those important people did the speaker mention?

He mentioned the name of Antoinette du Mauban.

11-"She's a lady who's well known for her wealth and ambition. But she's leaving Paris today."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

Bertram Bertrand, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Who was that lady?

Antoinette du Mauban.

3-Why did that lady go to Paris? What was her next destination? جهة السفر

She was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau. She was going to Ruritania.

12-"I met him at the embassy yesterday."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

George Featherly, to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Who did the speaker meet at the embassy? What did he say about that person?

He met the Duke of Strelsau. He said that he was the half-brother
of the King of Ruritania. He was his father's favourite son. George
thought the Duke wished he were the King.

3-What was the speaker's job?

He worked at the English embassy in Paris.

13-"Now the King's staying in a hunting lodge in the forest."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-How did the addressed person feel on hearing this? What did he decide then?

He was very interested. He decided to walk in the forest the next day so that he might see the King.

3-Why did the King go there?

Because his brother, Duke Michael, had invited him.

14-"I wish he'd stay there in the forest. People say he only likes hunting and good food."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-Why did the speaker not like the person she was talking about?

Because he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew what he looked like.

3-What else ما الشيئ الآخر did she wish that person to do?

She wished he would let the Duke become their King.

15-"I don't know if you can be good friends if you want the same thing."

1-Who said this? To whom?

The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.

2-What did the speaker mean by these words?

She meant that both the King and the Duke wanted to be King of Ruritania, so they could be enemies, not friends.

3-According to the addressed person, who had the right to that thing?

Rassendyll thought it was the older brother's right to become king.

C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :

1-Rassendyll read about the coronation in amagazine.

Rassendyll read about the coronation in a newspaper

2-Rudolf Rassendyll was Robert'scousin.

Rudolf Rassendyll was Robert's brother

3-Rassendyll was good with a gun and strongtradesman .

Rassendyll was good with a gun and strong swordsman .

4-Ameliaurged ~ Rassendyll to do something useful.

Rose urged Rassendyll to do something useful •

5-Jacob Borrodaile was going to be an ambassador insevenweeks' time.

Jacob Borrodaile was going to be an ambassador in six weeks' time •

6-Rassendyll would accept the job even if it is ina goodembassy.

Rassendyll would accept the job even if it is in a terrible embassy •

7-Rassendyll had paintings of Amelia and her descendants on his walls.

Robert had paintings of Amelia and her descendants on his walls •.

8-Jacob knew the country where he was going to work.

Jacob didn't know the country where he was going to work• ,

9-Rassendyll told the family he was going walking in Ruritania .

Rassendyll told the family he was going walking in the Alps .

10-Rassendyll would spend a night in London.

Rassendyll would spend a night in Paris.

11-Rassendyll went to Ruritania by plane.

Rassendyll went to Ruritania by train} .

12-Rassendyll hoped to see Amelia in the train.

Rassendyll .hoped to see Antoinette in the train} •

13-The border guards stared at Rassendyll and his card for some time.

The border guards stared at Rassendyll and his passport for some time •

14-The newspaper said the King's coronation would be in four days' time.

The newspaper said the King's coronation would be in two days' time •

15Antoinette de Mauban was taking the train from Paris to Zenda.

Antoinette de Mauban was taking the train from Paris to Strelsau .

16-The King was staying in a hunting lodge in the desert.

The King was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest.

17-Johann invited Rassendyll to stay at his brother's house in Strelsau .

Johann invited Rassendyll to stay at his sister's house in Strelsau •

18-Rassendyll decided to have a walk in the- forest so that he might see the Duke.

Rassendyll decided to have a walk in the forest so that he might see the King.

19-The old hotel could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.

The old castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.

20-Rassendyll and the King looked like different twins..

Rassendyll and the King looked like identical twins •


A)Answer the following questions:

1-What did Rose complain تشكو about concerning her brother-in-law, Rudolf?

2-How did Rudolf Rassendyll have a tendency نزعة / ميل to be lazy?

3-Although Rassendyll and Rose belonged to the same upper class,
الطبقة الارستقراطية Rose was offended جرحت مشاعرها by his words.

4-What do you know about Rassendyll's education?

5-What skills did Rassendyll have?

6-According to Rose, Rudolf and Robert were different not only in appearance but also in personality. Discuss.

7-What real opportunity would Sir Jacob Borrodaile offer to Rassendyll?

8-Why did Rassendyll accept Sir Jacob Borrodaile's offer to work for him? Give two reasons.

9-What did Rassendyll tell Rose about taking the job even if it were in a terrible embassy?

10-What did Rassendyll plan to do in the six months before the new job would start?

11-What old relationship was there between the Rassendylls and the Elphbergs?

12-Rudolf Rassendyll was the latest one in his family to have the appearance of the Ruritanian royal family. Discuss.

13-What helped Rassendyll's decision to visit Ruritania after he had read The Times newspaper?

14-Why did Rassendyll not like to tell Rose that he was going to Ruritania?

15-What made Rassendyll claim يدّعي that he was going to write a book about social problems in the country?

16-What did Robert tell his brother Rudolf about writing a book?

17-What did Uncle William always say about visiting Paris?

18-Who did Rassendyll call on when he went to Paris?

19-What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rassendyll about Antoinette du Mauban?

20-Who did George Featherly meet at the embassy in Paris? What did he tell Rassendyll about him?

21-Who was the important person that travelled in the same train with Rassendyll? What did she look like?

22-Why was Rassendyll surprised when the guards checked his passport at the Ruritanian border?

23-Why did Rassendyll decide to stop at Zenda on his way to Ruritania?

24-Why did the hotel owner love Duke Michael more than his brother?

25-According to the old woman (the hotel owner), what did many Ruritanian people wish concerning بخصوص the new king?

26-Why did the King of Ruritania go to the Duke's land? Where was the King staying there?

27-Why were the guards at the Ruritanian border, Johann, Sapt and
Fritz amazed as soon as they set eyes on وقع بصرهم على Rassendyll?

28-What favour did Johann offer to do Rassendyll? Why was Rassendyll very happy to have that opportunity?

29-Why did Rassendyll decide he wanted to see the forest?

30-Why was Rassendyll pleased when he saw the Castle of Zenda?

B)Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1-"And I enjoy an important position in society."

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-What important position did the speaker mean?

3-What did that important position make the speaker not want to do?

2-"She's angry because she thinks I don't do anything."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

2-Who were they talking about?

3-What did "she" want the speaker to do in particular? تحديدا

3-"To a man like me, opportunities are responsibilities."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

2-Why did the speaker say so?

3-What did the speaker mean by, "a man like me"?

4-" He's going to be an ambassador in six months' time, and he says he's happy for you to work for him."

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-Who was going to be an ambassador?

3-What was the addressed person's reply to that offer? Why?

5-"Sir Jacob doesn't know which country it will be, but he's sure it'll be a good embassy."

1-Who said these words? To whom?

2-What was the addressed person going to do in that embassy?

3-What was the addressed person's comment when he heard this?

6-"He probably wishes he were the King. I don't think he likes being a Duke."

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-Which Duke were they talking about?

3-In which city did this conversation take place?

7-"Well I don't like Duke Michael."

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-Why did the speaker say so?

3-How did one of the listeners have a different opinion of Duke Michael?

8-"I feel sorry for the Duke, but it's right that the older brother becomes king."

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-Was there a problem about who would be King? What was that problem?

3-Who did the addressed person sympathize with? يتعاطف مع Why?

9-"What's the matter, Johann? This gentleman's come to our country to see the coronation."

1-Who said these words?

2-Who was Johann?

3-What happened to Johann when he saw that gentleman? Why?

10-"Sir, have you ever seen our King?"

1-Who said these words? To whom?

2-What was the other person's answer to this question?

3-Why did the speaker ask this question?

C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1-Rose praised Rudolf Rassendyll for doing many useful things.

2-Rassendyll enjoyed an important position in society: his
brother was the Duke of Strelsau and his sister-in-law was a countess.

3-Rose's family were richer and more important than the Rassendylls.

4-Rassendyll studied at a French school and a French university.

5-Rassendyll didn't know how to speak any languages except English and German.

6-Rassendyll was neither good with a sword nor with a gun.

7-Rose thought that there was no difference between Rudolf and her husband apart from ماعدا Rudolf's red hair.

8-Rassendyll refused Sir Jacob Borrodaile's offer to work for him as he was lazy.

9-Rassendyll decided to do nothing and relax during the six months before his new job would start.

10-In 1733, Countess Rose married a member of the Ruritanian royal family.

11-Lord Burlesdon had paintings of Countess Amelia Rassendyll and her ancestors.

12-Rassendyll read that Rudolf the Fourth was to become King of Ruritania.

13-Rassendyll told Rose he was going walking in the Alps as he didn't want her to think he was being lazy.

14-Rose and Robert discouraged Rassendyll from writing a book.

15-Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass Dresden without spending twenty-four hours in the city.

16-George was Rassendyll's old friend who was a famous journalist in Paris.

17-People said that the King of Ruritania was his father's favourite son.

18-Rassendyll told George Featherly about his visit to Ruritania.

19-Rassendyll saw Antoinette du Mauban in the dining car on the train to Dresden.

20-In Ruritania, Rassendyll read in the newspaper that the King's coronation was to be in three weeks' time.

21-Zenda was a small town 10 km from Strelsau and 80 km from the border.

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