منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
أم زينب
أم زينب
المديرة العامة
المديرة العامة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 15740
نقاط : 135412
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
ملكة المنتدى ومصممته

مراجعة ليلة الامتحان لغة انجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادية  Empty مراجعة ليلة الامتحان لغة انجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادية

الأحد 19 يناير 2014, 13:41

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لغة انجليزية - إعدادية | مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للصف
When she was young she rode her bike. (used to)
- She used to ride her bike when she was young.

My dad always drives to work. (used to)
- My dad is used to driving to work.

The breakfast was delicious. We had it yesterday. (which)
- The breakfast which we had yesterday, was delicious.

This is the stadium. The match will be played here. (where)
- This is the stadium where the match will be played.

The book was useful. I bought it last week. (which)
- The book which I bought last week, was useful.

The boy is clever. His school bag is black. (whose)
- The boy whose school bag is black, is clever.

He studied the lesson. Then he answered the questions. (After)
- After he had studied the lesson, he answered the questions.

We had lunch. Then we had tea. (Before) (By the time)
- Before we had tea, we had had lunch.
- By the time we had tea, we had had lunch.

I had finished my homework before I went shopping. (until)
- I didn't go shopping until I had finished my homework.

Look! Sara is playing computer games now. (every day)
- Sara plays computer games every day.

He doesn't come to school late. (never)
- He never comes to school late.

It is his habit to drink Nescafe in the morning. (usually)
- He usually drinks Nescafe in the morning.

Could you open the window, please? (mind)
- Would you mind opening the window, please?

Can I borrow your pen, please? (mind)
- Do you mind if I borrow your pen?
- Do you mind lending me your pen?

What about asking your teacher for help? (Why)
- Why don't you ask your teacher for help?

How about visiting our uncle, Hossam? (Let's)
- Let's visit our uncle, Hossam.

I think English is an interesting subject. (opinion)
- In my opinion, English is an interesting subject.

While he was reading a book, the light went out. (When)
- When the light went out, he was reading a book.

The door bell rang while we were having lunch. (during)
- The door bell rang during lunch.

He is very rich. He doesn't help poor people. (Although)
- Although he is very rich, he doesn't help poor people.

Although he is very busy, he helps all his friends. (However)
- He is very busy. However, he helps all his friends.

Although he was ill, he went to school. (Despite)
- Despite being ill, he went to school.

I haven't travelled abroad since 2010. (for)
- I haven't travelled abroad for four years.

The last time I saw Marwan when we were in Prep two. (since)
- I haven't seen Marwan since we were in Prep two.

My dad arrived a minute ago. (just)
- My dad has just arrived.

I've never tried fried chicken. (yet)
- I haven't tried fried chicken yet.

We started to study at 7 O'clock. Now it is 9 O'clock. (for)
- We have been studying for two hours.

He began to learn computer two years ago. (for)
- He has been learning computer for two years.

He is studying hard. He wants to get the top marks. (to)
- He is studying hard to get the top marks.

She is crying because she is sad. (so) – (therefore)
- She is sad, so she is crying.
- She is sad therefore she is crying.

You should exercise every day. (If I)
- If I were you, I would exercise every day.

He doesn't waste his time. So he is successful. (If)
- If he wasted his time, he wouldn't be successful.

We didn't go to the club. So we didn't see our friends. (If)
- If we had gone to the club, we would have seen our friends.

If I were you, I would sleep early. (should)
- You should sleep early.

It is necessary for you to study hard. (must)
- You must study hard.

It isn't necessary for Eman to take a taxi. (have to)
- Eman doesn't have to take a taxi.

It wasn't necessary for Maged to meet his friends. (have to)
- Maged didn't have to meet his friends.

You shouldn't eat many sweets. (advise)
- I advise you to eat a few sweets.

Heba cleans the room.
- The room is cleaned by Heba.

They are playing an important match. (being)
- An important match is being played.

The mechanic will repair my car. (My car)
- My car will be repaired.

It is arranged that they will meet at the cinema. (going)
- They are going to meet at the cinema.

She intends to travel to London. (travelling)
- She is travelling to London.

Abeer is 1.60 cm tall. Shady is 1.50 cm tall. (taller)
- Abeer is taller than Shady.

Abeer is 1.60 cm tall. Shady is 1.60 cm tall. (as .. as)
- Abeer is as tall as Shady.

No girl in class is as clever as Manar. (cleverest)
- Manar is the cleverest girl in class.

The director refused the invitation. (accept)
- The director didn't accept the invitation.

This is my watch. (belongs)
- This watch belongs to me.

This is my watch. (mine)
- This watch is mine.

He said, "I'm sorry for coming late." (apologized)
- He apologized for coming late.

Perhaps, they will stay at this hotel. (may)
- They may stay at this hotel.

I'd prefer to stay at home. ('d rather)
- I'd rather stay at home.

Write a paragraph of five sentences On "Reading" :
You can use the following questions:
Do you like reading?
- I like reading.
What kind of books do you like best?
- I like short stories best.
When do you usually read?
- I usually read in my free time.
Where do you usually read?
- I usually read at home.
Do you advise your friends to read?
- I advise my friends to read.

لغة انجليزية - إعدادية | مراجعة ليلة الامتحان

Write a paragraph of five sentences On "Reading" :
You can use the following questions:
Do you like reading?
- I like reading.

What kind of books do you like best?
- I like short stories best.

When do you usually read?
- I usually read in my free time.

Where do you usually read?
- I usually read at home.

Do you advise your friends to read?
- I advise my friends to read.


Write an e-mail to your friend Ashraf telling him about your mid-year exam result . Your name is Sameh . Ashraf's e-mail address is ashraf@gmail.com

Guiding points:
- Start the e-mail and ask about your friend's health.
- Tell him about your mid-year exam result.
- Tell him how you could get the top marks.
- Tell him if it was difficult or easy to get the top marks.
- Tell him who helped you.
- Finish the e-mail

To: ashraf@gmail.com
From: Sameh
Subject: Exam result

Dear Ashraf,
How are you? I hope you are well. I'd like to tell you that I've passed my exams and got the top marks in most subjects. It wasn't difficult to get the top marks. My parents helped me a lot.
See you soon

Write a letter to your pen friend David inviting him to spend a week in Egypt . Your name is Yasser , and you live at 24 Seleem Street , Cairo .

Use the guiding sentences below:
- Start the letter politely.
- Tell your friend why you are writing him this letter.
- Tell him about the places he can visit in Egypt.
- Tell him about the weather in Egypt.
- End the letter politely.

24 Seleem Street,
19th, January, 2014
Dear David,
How are you? I hope you are well. I'm sending you this letter to invite you to spend a week with me in Egypt. In Egypt you can visit many places like the Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum. The weather in Egypt is very nice especially in winter. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here.
I look forward to seeing you

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