منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
أم زينب
أم زينب
المديرة العامة
المديرة العامة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 15740
نقاط : 135399
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
ملكة المنتدى ومصممته

 English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016 Empty English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

السبت 05 ديسمبر 2015, 21:24
English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
 English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
 English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

Characters in the chapter

 .Rudolf Rassendyll -

.(Rudolf the Fifth(The king of Ruritania -

.Antoinette de Mauban -

(Michael the Duke of Strelsau(The half-brother of the king of Ruritania -

.Colonel Sapt -

.Fritz von Tarlenheim -

.(The mother of Johann.( a servant of the king -

.(Josef.(a servant of the new king -

.(Marshal Strakencz( a very important person in the army -

Summary of Chapter Two

              Rudolf Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania (Rudolf Elphberg) stood in the forest near Zenda looking at each other in silence and amazement. Colonel Sapt explained to the king who Rudolf Rassendyll was. Rudolf Rassendyll examined the king carefully and noticed that the king’s mouth was perhaps less wide than his and Rudolf’s face was a little thinner. But in general, they were identical


              The king was happy to see Rassendyll. He called Rassendyll ‘his cousin’ and said that he was his ‘double’. Rudolf told the king that he was going to Strelsau to see the coronation. Colonel Sapt and Fritz thought that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rassendyll to visit Strelsau at that time as people might mistake him for the king and that would cause a lot of problems. Rassendyll agreed and said that he would leave Ruritania that day


              The king invited Rassendyll to have dinner with him. They ate a lot of food. At the end of the meal, Josef, the servant , brought the king some cakes. It was Duke Michael’s orders to give the king these cakes. The king ate a lot of cakes. Rassendyll ate only one cake. The next morning, Fritz and Sapt couldn’t wake up the king. Sapt had to throw water over Rassendyll to wake him up. Rassendyll thought that the cakes he and the king ate were poisonous


              The whole country as well as most of the army was waiting for the king to be crowned. If he wasn’t crowned on the specified day,اليوم المحدد Duke Michael would take the crown. As Rudolf Rassendyll looked exactly like the king and spoke perfect German, Colonel Sapt asked him to pretend to be the king. Rassendyll finally agreed so as to rescue the king who was lying unconscious


              Colonel Sapt’s plan was to go to the palace. Fritz would stay and guard the king’s bedroom. Then Sapt and Rudolf would go back to the hunting lodge to bring the king. The king would return to the palace with Sapt and  Rudolf  would ride to the border and leave Ruritania before it was light. They carried the king to the cellar. Josef would tell Michael and his men that the hunting lodge was empty. Johann’s mother overheard Sapt’s plan, so Sapt put her in the cellar with the king. Josef would let Johann’s mother out of the cellar after Michael had gone


              Sapt, Fritz and Rassendyll left the hunting lodage an hour earlier to avoid being seen by Duke Michael’s guards. On their way to the station. Sapt told Rassendyll everything about the king. The station guard was surprised to see them as they came an hour earlier, so Fritz told him that the king had changed his plans. When they got off the train in Strelsau, Rassendyll had breakfast at the station restaurant. Marshal Strakencz arrived with his soldiers to meet the king. He said that Duke Michael was unable to meet the king at the station, but he would see him shortly


              Strelsau, the capital of Ruritania, was partly old and partly new. Rich people lived in large houses in wide, modern streets. They had always lived well under the king’s father. Therefore, they supported the king because they knew that nothing would change. Poor people lived in narrow streets. They were crowded into very small houses. These houses were old and hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Poor people didnot want things to stay the same. They supported Duke Michael because he gave them hope for a better future


              People in the streets of Strelsau were clapping and cheering. يصفقون ويهتفون There were colourful flags everywhere. People threw flowers from their balconies. Rudolf picked a flower and stuck it onto his coat. He got rid of his nervousness خوف وقلق and at that moment, he believed that he was actually the king. Suddenly, Rudolf saw Antoinette de Mauban on a balcony above him. She stared at him. It seemed that she knew him. Rudolf feared كان يخشي that she might call out تصيح and tell everyone that he was not the real king

Questions with Model Answers

? What was Rudolf’s feelings when he saw the new king in the forest

FIt was very strange for him to be standing in a forest in the middle of Ruritania in front of a person who looked exactly the same as him. They looked at each other in silence.Then Rudolf   bowed to the new king

?What was Rudolf doing when Sapt told the king about Rdolf? What did he discover

    Rudolf was the king carefully . He discovered they were identical except for some differences: the king’s mouth was less wide and Rudolf’s face was a little thinner

? Why was the king laughing

                              The king began to laugh because he thought that it is good to meet Rudolf, his cousin. He asked Rudolf to forgive him if he seemed surprised, as it is not everyday that he saw his double

?To what extent were the king and his cousin identical

    In most ways they were identical and the king said that it is not every day that he saw his double

?The king wanted to introduce Rudolf Rassendyll to his brother Duke Michael. What did Fritz and Sapt think about this

    Fritz thought that it would not be a good idea for Mr. Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now and colonel Sapt agreed saying that he mustn’t go

?What was Rassendyll’s reply

   He asked the king not to worry as he understood the problem ,so he would leave Ruritania  today

.The new king was kind and generous. Explain

    He told Rassendyll that he didn’t need to go now and asked him to eat with him thatnight as the king didn’t meet a new cousin every day

?Although the food was delicious Sapt and Fritz didn’t want to eat much. Why? What did that show about them

    They refused to eat much because they had an early start and a lot of events the next day. They also would ride to Zenda and return with a guard of soldiers to take the king to the station

.The new king liked to live well. Illustrate

    The king asked Rassendyll to have food first and said that good food is more important than sleep. When Sapt and Fritz said that they had a lot of events the next day , the king told Rassendyll to forget these two men and they do not need to get up  so early

 When the servant brought some cakes , the king ate them hungrily as if  they were the first thing  he had eaten all day

?What was the problem that happened the next morning? What did Sapt and Fritz do

    The next morning the king was lying on the floor breathing heavily and his face was red. Sapt and Fritz hurried to Rassendyll and woke him up suddenly by covering him in water

?What did Rassendyll do ? How did Rassendyll account for the king’s condition

    He bent down and felt the king’s pulse, which was very weak and slow. He said that it must have been the cakes which the king ate last night. Rudolf also thought that the king was poisoned

?Sapt suggested getting a doctor to help the king. Did Fritz agree to do that ? Why

    No, Fritz refused to do that . Because there wasn’t a doctor for fifteen kilometres and even a thousand doctors would not make the king better that day

?Sapt said “If  he’s not crowned today , I don’t think he’ll ever be king” Why did he say so

    Because the whole country is waiting for the king. Most of the army is waiting too, with Duke Michael leading it and they won’t be happy

? Why did Duke Michael try to poison his brother according to Fritz

    Fritz said that Duke Michael did this so that his brother cannot be crowned

?Sapt and Fritz were cunning soldiers and loyal to their king. Illustrate

Or: Sapt and Fritz were able to persuade Rassendyll to act the role of the king by making a good plan . Discuss

    Sapt said that it was lucky that they met Rassendyll the day before, so Rassendyll could go to Strelsau to be crowned. The king and Rassendyll were almost identical and no one could discover this

    When Rassendyll said that it was impossible for him to be crowned instead of the king, Fritz said that  Rassendyll’s German is perfect and they would dress him in different clothes,so no one would know about that

    Sapt encouraged Rassendyll by saying that if Rassendyll did not go to Strelsau, Duke Michael would be the king and the real king would either be dead or in prison

?After Rassendyll agreed to be the king,What did Sapt and Fritz decide to do with the real king

?Or: What was the plan to replace the real king without being discovered

    Sapt decided not to wait for Michael’s guards but leave for Strelsau at once. They also would  hide the king in the cellar , so when the guards arrive they would think no one was there

    When Fritz asked if the guards searched the building , Sapt said that, Josef, the servant  would  say  that  the lodge was empty

    When Rassendyll asked about how to get the king to Strelsau again, Sapt said that as soon as he and Rassendyll are alone in the king’s bedroom, they would leave the palace and go back to the forest on horses. Fritz would guard the king’s bedroom in the palace. Sapt would tell Josef to get the king ready for the journey back

    After that the real king would go back to the palace with Sapt in the dark. However, Rassendyll would ride as fast as he could and leave the country before it is light

?Who was watching them at that time ? What did Fritz do

    Johann’s mother was watching them. Fritz had locked her in the cellar with the king and Josef would let her out later

? During their journey to the station, What did Sapt tell Rassendyll about the king? Why

    Sapt began to tell Rassendyll the history of the king’s life: of his family, likes, interests, weaknesses, friends and servants. He told him how he should behave in the palace. He also said that he would always be at Rassendyll’s  side. So that no one could discover their plan

? Why was the station guard surprised? What did Fritz tell him

    He was surprised because he saw the king and this was unusual. Fritz told him that the king had changed his plans and decided to travel by train

?What were Rassendyll’s feelings on going to the capital on the train

    He was nervous as he was not made of stone. He was also hungry

?How was the situation when Rudolf Rassendyle reached the station

    As soon as the train stopped Rassendyll breathed deeply but a moment later, everything was suddenly busy: men ran up to them, and then ran away again, soldiers rode off on horses, other men showed Rassendyll to the station restaurant. While he was eating, he heard music and people cheering “God save the king!” in preparation for the coronation

? When Rassendyll left the restaurant , who was there to welcome him

    When he left the restaurant, he saw that a group of soldiers had arrived to welcome him.  It was led by a tall old man whose jacket was covered in medals, Marshal Strakenez

?Who was Marshal Strakenez

   He was a very important man in the army. He was a tall man whose jacket was covered in medals

?Describe the procession outside the station

   Outside the station, they got onto horses that were waiting outside. They began to ride   through the capital with the Marshal on the right and Sapt on the left. Rassendyle saw that the city was partly old and partly new

.The city was partly old and partly new. Discuss

    In the new part : there were wide, modern streets where the rich people lived in big houses. These people lived well under the king’s father , and who would support the new king because they knew that nothing would change

    In the old part : thousands of people were crowded into tiny houses which were old and hot in the summer , freezing cold in the  winter .  These narrow streets were where the city’s many poor people lived and these people did not want the things to stay the same. Those supported Duke Micheal

?Which part wouldn’t be safe for the king in Rassendyll’s point of view 

    The old part of the city wouldn’t be safe for the king and Rassendyll himself

?What was the situation like near the palace

    There were coloured flags and colourful ribbons everywhere and people lined the streets, clapping and cheering. Rassendyle waved to them and people threw flowers down from balconies above him

?How did Rassendyll feel durin the procession

   He was smiling happily. He really believed that he was actually the king. He looked up and laughed, delighted to see so much colour and so many happy faces

?Why did Rassendyll look in surprise towards a balcony above him

As he saw the proud smile of the traveller on the train, Antoinette de Mauban. As she stared at him, her expression changed and this meant that she knew him

Quotations with Model Answers

     “?Colonel , Fritz : who is this gentleman”

?A)      Who said this? To whom was it said

F   The new king to Colonel Fritz

?B)      Where were they

.F   They were in the forest near Zenda

?C)      Who were they speaking about? What was he doing at that time

.They were speaking about Rudolf Rassendyll . He was listening to them. He also examined the king carefully

     “?Whether I like it or not, you can’t help looking like me . No, I’ll happily help you. Where are you travelling to”

?A) Who said this? To whom

.   The new king of Ruritania to Rudolf Rassendyll

?B) What did this statement show about the king’s character

   It showed that the king was kind and helpful. He wanted to help other people.He is a believer as he can not do anything concerning being identical wiyh Rassendyll

?C)  What was Rassendyll’s answer to that question

   He said that he was travelling to Strelsau to attend the coronation


   “!We can still eat well, and good food is more important than sleep”

?A) Who said this? To whom

   The new king (Rudolf the fifth) to Rassendyll

?B)      What did the king offer Rassendyll

   He offered to have some food with Rassendyll

?C)      Did Rassendyll agree? What does this show about the king’s character

   Yes, he did. This shows that the king really likes to live well, he is kind and generous


  “.The colonel and I have to leave here at six tomorrow morning”

?A) Who said these words? Where? To whom

   Fritz said these words to Rassendyll and the king. They were eating at the hunting lodge

?B) Why would they leave at six tomorrow morning

  They would ride to Zenda and return with a guard of soldiers to take the king to the station

?C) How did the king comment on these words

 The king said that it was good of his brother to let him use his guards. He told    Rassendyll  to forget these two men and eat more food

   “.The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of your meal”

?A) Who said this? To whom

   Josef (the servant of the king) to the king

?B) What does this refer to

It refers to some cakes which the Duke asked the servant to give them to the king at the end of his meal

?C) What was the king’s reaction

   He said well done, Michael! He said his brother knew him well ! and he ate the cakes hungrily, as if they were the first thing he had eaten all day

 “.Nothing else would wake you up. It’s five o’clock”

?A) Who said this? To whom

   Colonel Sapt to Rudolf Rassendyll

?B) How did the speaker awake the listener

   He awoke him up by covering him in water

?C) What happened after that

Fritz took his arm andled him to the next room. The king was lying on the floor. His face was red and he was breathing heavily

  “..We’ve been trying to wake him up for half an hour, but we can’t”

?A) Who were trying to wake him up? Who were they trying to wake

   (Colonel Sapt and Fritz . They were trying to wake Rudolf the fifth (The new king of Ruritania

?B) What happened to the person they were trying to wake up

   He was lying on the floor, his face was red and he was breathing heavily. They couldn’t wake him up

?C) What did the addressed person do? What did he say

   He bent down and felt the king’s pulse which was weak and slow. He deduced that it must have been the cakes that he ate last night. He inquired if they thought that the king was poisoned


   “.We don’t know , we must get a doctor”

?A) Who said these words? To whom? Where were they

   Sapt to Rassendyll. They were in a hunting lodge in the forest near Zenda

?B) For whom must they get a doctor? Why

They must get a doctor for the king. Because they couldn’t wake him up, his face  was  red and he was breathing heavily

?C) What was the answer to that suggestion

   Fritz said that there wasn’t a doctor for fifteen kilometres and even a thousand doctors wouldn’t make the king better that day

  . “We must tell the people of Ruritania that he’s ill”

?A) Who said this to whom

  Fritz to Rassendyll and Sapt

?B) Who were they talking about

   (They were talking about the new king of Ruritania( Rudolf the fifth

?C) What was the speaker’s job? Did Sapt agree with him? Why

The speaker was a colonel who was working for the king. Sapt didn’t agree with him. He explained that if the king wasn’t crowned that day, he would never be a king. The whole country is waiting for him and most of the army is waiting with Duke Michael leading it. They won’t be happy

“.You don’t know what the Duke is like,do you, Rassendyll?If Rudolf doesn’t become king, Duke Michael will take the crown”

?A) Who said these words? To whom

   Colonel Sapt to Rudolf Rassendyll

?B) What was the problem they were talking about

   The problem was that the new king couldn’t attend the coronation because he was ill

?C) What did they accuse  Duke Michael of

   They accused Duke Michael of poisoning his brother Rudolf the fifth so that he  couldn’t  attend the coronation and as a result Duke Michael would take the crown

  امتحانات 2015

:A- Answer the following questions

?What happened to the King after eating the cakes

?Why was Sapt so worried about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through the old town

?Why are Sapt and Fritz surprised to see Rassendyll in the forest

?What does Rassendyll learn from his adventures

?Why didn’t Rassendyll tell George that he was going to Ruritania

:B- Read the following quotation and then answer the questions

“.Listen, if you’re a man, you can save the king. Go back and pretend to be him”

?Who said this? To whom

?Where was this said

?What would happen if that person refused to replace the King

:C- Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it

 .The king was lying unconscious on the floor because he was tired

.The real king thought that play is less important than sleep

.The mansion is surrounded by a moat

  امتحانات 2014

:A- Answer the following questions

.Mention one moral lesson you have learnt from the story

?Where did Sapt suggest hiding the King? Why

?Why did Antoinette de Mauban come to Paris

? What does Sapt plan to do if the real king is dead

?Why does the Duke poison the King

?What was Colonel Sapt’s plan to get the ill king back to the palace

?Why was Sapt so anxious about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through the old town

:B- Read the following quotation and then answer the questions

.Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. You can wait here until I’ve continued through the old town alone “

?Who said this to whom

?Where was it said

?What does this show about the character of the speaker

:C- Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it

.Featherly is going to be an ambassador in six months’ time

.Johann’s mother and fritz were locked in the hunting lodge

.The rich people who had always lived well would support the Du

.Sapt and Fritz believed that Rassendyll had poisoned the King

  امتحانات 2013

:A- Answer the following questions

?What did Sapt plan to do if the real king died

 ?What will happen if they don’t have a King in Strelsau

?Who does Rassendyll see on the train? What do you Know about her

?Why does the Duke poison the king

Why is Sapt so anxious about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through

the old town

?How old is Rudolf when the events of the story start

? Why did Fritz and Sapt lock up Johann’s mother with the King

:B- Read the following quotation and then answer the questions

Of course it’s a risk, but we must have a King in Strelsau, orthe city will

belong to Michael within twenty-four hours. You must do it, forRuritania

?Who said this to whom

2- Where was it said

? What does the speaker mean by the word “risk”

“!It’s good to meet your cousin! You must forgive me if I seemed surprised, as it isn’t every day that you see your double”

?Who said this to whom

?Where was it said

?Why was the speaker surprised

” !We’ll go back in the capital again tomorrow”

?Who says this to whom

?Where are they and what has happened

?How will the King be back in the capital tomorrow

:C- Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it

.Rassendyll and Octavia took the same train to Dresden

.The King invites Rassendyll to eat with him in the hunting lodge in Strelsau

.Michael rides through the poor part of town without a close guard

.The owner’s wife of the inn thought that Rassendyll was the king

.When the innKeeper’s daughter sees the King, she cries an d almost dies

.Rassendyll thinks it will be easy to rescue the King

” !Antoinette de Mauban calls out , “That is not the real king”

.The Princess knows that Rudolf isn’t the real King

 English chapter 2 قصة للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
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